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5 Teaching Habits to Tame Time

"5 Teaching Habits to Tame Time"(First published here on GettingSmart on 10.30.2014)Something kicks my posterior way too often. It’s a frenemy of mine, you see. Yep, that’s right. FREN-E-MY. Think of polar opposites. Some days are swing and duck, while others are...

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3 Quick & Easy Apps to Turn Homework into AnyTimeWork

(Originally published on on September 23, 2013.)As someone who seeks to make truly blended learning as seamless and ubiquitous as possible, I am constantly on the search for smartphone apps that will help students show mastery of knowledge no matter...

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Powerful Apps to Empower Powerful Writing

(Originally published on on September 10, 2013.)After the first four weeks of school, one truth is clear. The majority of my students are not very fond of writing. As a Language Arts teacher and one who writes for enjoyment, I find this alarming. I...

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Tupac & Einstein: Now That’s Blended Learning

(Originally published on on August 29th, 2013.)I can honestly remember sitting in a high school Language Arts classroom as a sophomore in 1990 and thinking, “Man, there has to be a better way of learning than this.” But I was that pimple-faced,...

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Blended Learning That is Truly Blended

(Originally published on on May 10, 2013.)One aspect of education that will never change is the incessant introduction and demise of buzz words. These days educators are discussing flipped classrooms, flattened classrooms, MOOC’s, infographics,...

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Infinity: The Size of Today’s Classrooms

(Originally published on on April 25, 2013.)There was once a time when contemplating tearing down my classroom walls fancied me wearing a yellow safety helmet and operating a wrecking-ball wielding crane machine. Surely after knocking down windowless...

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