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Rise Above Classroom Walls on the Wings of a Bird

"Rise Above Classroom Walls on the Wings of a Bird" (Originally published at on 10/29/12.)Ronald Reagan once said, “There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves...

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8 Examples of Classroom Musical Magic

(The Studio 113 Microphone and John Hardison) "8 Examples of Classroom Musical Magic" (Originally published at on 10/14/12)I believe it was J.K. Rowling's Albus Dumbledore who said, "Ah, music. A magic behind all we do here!" This quotation comes to...

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8 Project-Based Learning Videos by Students

(Originally published at on September 28, 2012)I recently wrote about co-authoring and signing project/passion-based learning contracts with my American Literature students. Well, just a few days have passed since viewing the final presentation, and I...

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Want Engaged Learners? Sign PBL Contracts

(Originally published at was a time when my sole purpose for living and breathing, my ultimate dream, was to sign a contract — a contract to play professional baseball. I simply wanted the opportunity to work hard in order to create a better me...

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5 Apps to Lower Teacher Anxiety & Raise Student Voices

Originally published at on August 30th, 2012.The art of teaching sure has changed since I nervously stepped into my first class of thirty-two, energetic students fourteen years ago. I remember feeling pressure from the prescribed...

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Life Is Writing: Two Apps for the Reluctant Writer

"Life Is Writing: Two Apps for the Reluctant Writer" (originally published at can’t even begin to quantify how many times I have been blessed with the challenge of working with a reluctant writer. During 14 years in the Language Arts classroom, I...

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