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Project Based Learning

Ahh Yeah! The Slow Jams Are Back

 “Ah, yeah! The Slow Jams are Back” (Part 2) (originally published here on GettingSmart on 8.3.2016) Ahhhh yeeeeeahhh! It's that time again, my brothers and sisters. Time to kick back and show the world how to rock out poetry the Jimmy Fallon way. Yep, it's time...

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Slow Jam the Poem: A Jimmy Fallon Inspired Lesson

“Slow Jam the Poem: A Jimmy Fallon Inspired Lesson” (originally published here on GettingSmart on 3.20.2015) Jimmy Fallon is just too talented. In fact, I believe he could do just about anything sometimes. Now, I don’t want to step out on a limb here, but I bet he...

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Need to Energize Your Class? Just Add Wax and Be Still

Need to Energize Your Class? Just Add Wax and Be Still

First published here on GettingSmart on 11.6.2012There are many ways to mix things up in a classroom and inject enthusiasm. From blended learning to project-based learning to time-tested traditional methods, teachers today have nearly unlimited resources and ways of...

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Hut 1, Hut 2: Literature on a Football Field

First published here on GettingSmart on 2.1.2015To me, it is indisputable that literature is meant to be brought to life. Easier said than done, though. Such organic rendering of the written word involves courage in the shape of improvisational and planned acting....

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8 Examples of Classroom Musical Magic

(The Studio 113 Microphone and John Hardison) "8 Examples of Classroom Musical Magic" (Originally published at on 10/14/12)I believe it was J.K. Rowling's Albus Dumbledore who said, "Ah, music. A magic behind all we do here!" This quotation comes to...

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8 Project-Based Learning Videos by Students

(Originally published at on September 28, 2012)I recently wrote about co-authoring and signing project/passion-based learning contracts with my American Literature students. Well, just a few days have passed since viewing the final presentation, and I...

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Want Engaged Learners? Sign PBL Contracts

(Originally published at was a time when my sole purpose for living and breathing, my ultimate dream, was to sign a contract — a contract to play professional baseball. I simply wanted the opportunity to work hard in order to create a better me...

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