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Teacher Talk
Teachers: Modern-Day Superheroes

Teachers: Modern-Day Superheroes

Teachers: Modern-Day Superheroes     As veteran teachers, we originate from the first dry-erase boards, textbooks that were outdated the moment they were assigned to students, and collegial advice like “Don’t smile until Christmas” and “Shut your door and teach your...

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The Tao of Blended Learning

(Originally published on on September 23, 2013.)Seated oh so uncomfortably in a rickety, wooden chair and behind a weathered, hand-me-down teacher’s desk littered with white stacks of ungraded essays, I stretched my aching neck and scanned my...

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1 Question, 1 Challenge, and 11 of the Best Teacher Gifts

"1 Question, 1 Challenge, and 11 of the Best Teacher Gifts"(First published here on GettingSmart on 12.7.2017)Watching my thirteen-year old daughter and my College Freshman son open gifts every Christmas produces such enjoyment for me. I revel in their excitement,...

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Ordering a Teacher: Suggestions from Students (Part 2)

(Originally published on on August 13, 2013.)The feedback from Part 1 of “Ordering a Teacher” has been very positive and insightful. The blog has sparked many meaningful discussions, and, in some cases, arguments. All have been fruitful and ultimately...

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Ordering a Teacher: Suggestions from Students (Part 1)

(Originally published on on August 1, 2013.)I have learned the best way to improve my teaching practices is to listen to the people who matter the most…the customers, the students, the ones I serve. It seems the last few years students have been more...

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5 Lessons from a Beach Vacation

(Originally published on on July 16, 2013.)I write where I am, and for the last week I have had my toes entrenched in the sand on the beaches of Panama City, Florida. My seven days of sun and relaxation were reminiscent of a song from the Zac Brown...

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My 5 Splashes of Brilliance from ISTE ’13

(Originally published on on )Just like trying to choose an eating venue from a multitude of amazing restaurants or deciding where to hang out with a group of creative colleagues while walking along the Riverwalk in San Antonio, ISTE 2013 was a...

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