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Teacher Talk

#ISTE13: Inspiration, Synergy, Trailblazers, Expertise

(Originally published on on June 5, 2013.)Even though ISTE ’13 in San Antonio is just a few weeks away, I am already excited about the absolutes of such an amazing conference for educators. Having experienced the magnificence of ISTE twice already, I...

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Educator Resuscitation 101: A Prerequisite for Summer Learning

(Originally published on on May 23, 2013.)I need to admit something. I am dead. Dead-tired. Exhausted. Fatigued. Drained. Emotionally and physically spent. And no, I don't need a trusted colleague to play an armchair psychologist. My cheese is not off...

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Blended Learning That is Truly Blended

(Originally published on on May 10, 2013.)One aspect of education that will never change is the incessant introduction and demise of buzz words. These days educators are discussing flipped classrooms, flattened classrooms, MOOC’s, infographics,...

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Infinity: The Size of Today’s Classrooms

(Originally published on on April 25, 2013.)There was once a time when contemplating tearing down my classroom walls fancied me wearing a yellow safety helmet and operating a wrecking-ball wielding crane machine. Surely after knocking down windowless...

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A Teacher’s Heart and Foundational Data

(Originally published on on March 14, 2013.)Please allow me to write honestly and drop it like it’s hot for a moment. To put it bluntly, I am afraid. You see, I have a recurring nightmare that often leaves me drenched in sweat with sky-rocketing blood...

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Flip a Class & Create a Movie: A Dream Come True

(First published on on February 7, 2013.)Proudly, I am a teacher and a dreamer. With all discrepancies of skills and talents set aside, I relate to Steven Spielberg in at least one area: I, too, “dream for a living.” I dream of modeling the correct...

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Part 1: 44 Smart Ways to Use Smartphones in Class

(Originally published at on January 7, 2013)This week an online article grabbed my attention. Its title read “94 Percent of High School Students Using Cellphones in Class.” I immediately scoped out the heading and thought to myself, “Finally, teachers...

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Calling All Resources: Fostering the Right Time to Write

(The traffic light BYOD management system used by John Hardison of Studio 113) "Calling All Resources: Fostering the Right Time to Write" (Originally published at on 11/20/12.)Creating the ultimate writing atmosphere that inspires students to produce...

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Rise Above Classroom Walls on the Wings of a Bird

"Rise Above Classroom Walls on the Wings of a Bird" (Originally published at on 10/29/12.)Ronald Reagan once said, “There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves...

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